The Kid and the Sea

Now there was once a kid who was afraid of the sea. He does not have a morbid dread of water in general but of the sea in particular. His father was a Captain who sailed a thousand times on his ship but the kid never dared to accompany his father in his journeys. The kid heard all the stories his father underwent. He was amazed but remained terrified.

One morning, the kid woke up with a memory of his dream. He was swimming and enjoying the warmth of this tropical sea near their house. He never realized and noticed how much he desired to swim on this sea. So with all courage, he risked being vulnerable to the judging waves. He walked towards the shore and breathed the salt air. It smelled like spicy olives. He was near enough the waters but was making sure not to touch it. The sun was rising as an invitation to submerge in this endless liquid crystal in front of him.

He decided to talk to his sea just like his mother talking to her plants every morning when she waters them. “I am afraid but I want to,” he said. The sea replied a splash. He smiled. Yet he tiptoed back to his room and thought about he’s decision all over again.

It was already dark when he went out. Time flew fast when he feels this emotion towards the sea. He went to the sea alone. It was dark. He felt unsure. “This is gambling with higher risk of failure,” the kid thought. He can’t see the sea clearly but he can hear its breath. He thought about this over and over again but his decision was solid.


He jumped to the waters. Not slowly but abruptly. It was a plopping competition. He planned this and he was ready of what the outcome is. But the sea roared a storm. Giant waves came forcibly towards the shore thumping him aside. He reached the shore breathless and in pain. He can almost hear the sea yelling “Go away, I don’t want you swimming in me”. He slept crying in the comfort of the sands.

He was ready, or he thought he was. Facing this fear of the sea and experiencing its dwelling is something books can never teach him. He heard a lot and saw a lot but it was enough. He was carried by his father into their house and took care of his bloody chest. “I said you have to prepare. You have to prepare for the jump, for the dive, for the swim and for this,” his father said gesturing towards his wounded self. He did not say a thing.

The next morning, the kid went near the sea again but decided never to do what he did. It was painful for him watching its glittering surface. He was even envious of the fishes and their fins. But this is safer. This is good.

Now the kid has decided but he never noticed how he enjoyed even just the mere presence of the sea alone. In its absence, when he’s inside his room, tormented him more but he smiled every time his parents are around. It was the perfect masquerade the even his sea will never know. The sea, he thought and he imagined, might be suspicious but he continued the pretentious act.

The kid has decided but he found himself swimming over the sea again. He’s on his boat, the one his father built for him. He was not swimming but sailing, he defended. It was better. The sea will never notice and he’ll never get hurt. He watched as his sea swallowed the sun. He waited for his moon.

She’s here.

Einstein’s Riddle



There are no tricks, just pure logic, so good luck and don’t give up. 

1. In a street there are five houses, painted five different colours. 
2. In each house lives a person of different nationality 
3. These five homeowners each drink a different kind of beverage, smoke different brand of cigar and keep a different pet. 



1. The Brit lives in a red house. 
2. The Swede keeps dogs as pets. 
3. The Dane drinks tea. 
4. The Green house is next to, and on the left of the White house. 
5. The owner of the Green house drinks coffee. 
6. The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds. 
7. The owner of the Yellow house smokes Dunhill. 
8. The man living in the centre house drinks milk. 
9. The Norwegian lives in the first house. 
10. The man who smokes Blends lives next to the one who keeps cats. 
11. The man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill. 
12. The man who smokes Blue Master drinks beer. 
13. The German smokes Prince. 
14. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house. 
15. The man who smokes Blends has a neighbour who drinks water. 


The World of Intangible Edibles


There is the known tangible world of food. We become “full” through consumption and gain positive effects like becoming healthy physically and psychological satisfaction. The taste still affects the intake of the edibles. The more you like how it tastes, the greater is the chance of consecutive bites.

But there is another world that was never hidden but we labeled as unknown. The world of edible sight and vision. When food is served, our eyes are the ones that feast first (I believe that food must look delicious because its the presention that we eat first. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to argue about food being a need or a want). We often underestimate the power of visuals.

From that, it is not only the actual food that we eat but also the intangible appearance and effect that accompanies it.

Therefore, it is not only the rough reality that we bite but also the buried, humbled arrogance of expectations and risks that we dare consume.

A 20-year-old guy was reading a Book. He kept addressing as he shares that the texts and passages from the Book are his daily bread. He has been eating words for years then. He said, “My life as I know it has ended. But I started living when I was enlightened. And I wouldn’t have lived without the daily, unhindered and doubtless wisdom from the Book.”

The need and want of physical food is in the same degree with the need and want of other forms of food. May it be spiritual, emotional, intellectual, etc.

We grow through eating food of different form. Let’s try sitting on one corner and ponder. Have we been missing the necessary consumptions we should have been making?

We then are malnourished because of the lack of intangible edible consumptions.

I Want to Be (A Response to Her)

I want to be the guy who calls her beautiful instead of hot,

who calls her back when she hangs up on me,

who will lie under the stars and listen to her heartbeat,

or will stay awake just to watch her sleep…

I want to be the boy who kisses her forehead,

shows her off to the world when she is in track pants,

who holds her hand in front of my friends,

and will always think she’s just as pretty without makeup on.

I want to be the one who is constantly reminding her of how much I care and how lucky I am to have her…

I will be the one who turns to my friends and says, “that’s her”…



Is It a Bad Thing to Want to Give Our Kids a Magical Childhood?

A Magical Childhood

Last week, a blog post went viral about why parents should stop trying to give their kids a magical childhood. 

One of my friends shared it on her Facebook wall and yesterday a speaker at a sustainability conference even recommended it, saying that parents today spend too much time “on those things like Pinterest” and “working so hard to make their children’s live magical.”

“They’re just making their own lives harder,” she scoffed, “trying to make everything perfect.”

Then she said it’s because we mothers are addicted to stress.

Yes, it turns out we secretly like stress and so the quest to make childhood fun is some deep, psychological quest to make ourselves unhappy.

Or something like that.  I had a really hard time understanding the logic in any of it.

These people seem to completely miss the point about what makes a childhood magical, and why some of us…

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I believe that love is an extreme emotion. You can’t calculate love to a degree. So you can’t say, ‘I will love him or her but I will leave some love for myself’. You can’t do that. It’s either you love or you don’t. It’s either you’re in love or you’re not. There’s no in between. There’s no number, there’s no percentage.